Thursday 9 December 2021

Mistakes Php Developers Must Avoid While Programming


PHP is the most preferred server-side scripting language now.. The open-source programming language is the most favoured choice when it comes to web development due to its ease of use, support for a wide range of frameworks, PHP development tools, in-built classes and functions, platform-independent nature, high security, scalability, and robustness. Because of these features of PHP, most business owners also choose to hire PHP programmers when it comes to web development.
However, even with features like the ease of using PHP and documentation, sometimes PHP developers tend to make some mistakes while programming. These mistakes sometimes adversely affect the website performance and functioning. Also, these mistakes can result in security loopholes in the websites. Hence, it is necessary for the developers to identify these mistakes at the right time and avoid or address them same.
Here are some of the most common mistakes that every PHP programmer needs to avoid.
Not using Database caching:

It is always recommended to use Database Caching in PHP web development. Caching helps to enhance the database performance. For database caching, you can use Varnish, Memcached, Query cache, and Redis. These are some of the best caching systems when you are using PHP for web development.
Not optimising the queries:

Not optimising the queries is a bad practice. Find the right SELECT and then use the MySQL EXPLAIN, Query profiler, or any other suitable tool to optimise the query before running and executing it.
Not using the error-reporting:

Most of the time, developers forget to turn on the error reporting or E_ALL() but turning it on is necessary as it displays the errors then and there and helps developers to identify the errors and fix the same instantly.
Forgetting to re-writing the URLs:

While coding with PHP, it is necessary to re-write the URLs as the security requirements. Also, while creating the URLs, it is essential to use modern practices. You should not write URLs with multiple variables as well.
Making use of the wrong comparison operators:

Comparison operators are vital parts of PHP programming. However, using the wrong operators like using ‘=’ in place of ‘==’ can simply change the entire logic behind implementing a function and can ultimately hamper the functioning of the website.
Not validating the cookie data:

If you don’t validate the cookie data prior to storing the data in the database then you are exposing your codes to potentially harmful data. For validating the data, make sure to use htmlspecialchars() or mysql_real_escape_string().
Misplaced semicolons:

You should not misplace the semicolon or use the semicolon in the wrong place. Be careful when you are using the semicolon always.
Developers need to identify and remember these points shared above and avoid these mistakes while programming to end up with flawless and high-performing PHP websites or web applications.


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