Saturday 10 November 2018

Smartphone battery life will be better than Google's dark mode

Google has finally confirmed that their dark mode Android phone takes less power and saves batteries.

During this week's Android Summit, Google reported how our smartphone consumes battery.They told all the developers what they can do in their app so that their app could use the least amount of battery. According to the report of Slash Gear, this thing is not limited to apps only. The biggest reason for the battery is ending - screen brightness! And not just the brightness, but the color of the screen is also responsible for battery life.

Dark mode darkens the color of the OS theme's colors and colors. If we look at YouTube, their app usually uses white color. In a presentation Google showed that using dark mode in YouTube is now reduced by 43 percent of battery usage.

Google started 'Material Design', since then he has put a lot of emphasis on the use of white and also asked the developers to use white color.


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