Thursday 25 June 2015

Google's Sidewalk Labs bringing Free, Fast Wi-Fi to Cities around the World

Google’s Sidewalk Labs – a new startup that launched earlier in June – announced its first project called Intersection, which will install several free Wi-Fi hubs around the Big Apple.

It will start with New York City, where it plans to bring free Wi-Fi.

It is reported that It would be an independent Google-owned company that would emphasis on refining city living through technology innovations. Either way, the goal is to help shore up broadband coverage and bring connectivity to some of the 55 million Americans that don’t have access to high speed Internet. For Google, one of the reasons to launch Sidewalk Labs was the need for tech solutions that work at an intersection like this.

There are other less direct advantages to having Google on board, though, says Colin O’Donnell, founding partner of Control Group.

LinkNYC connection points will replace the network of public pay phones in New York, which will begin in September. Free high speed Internet in cities is said to be a moonshot project which may not appear to be as unbelievable as projects such as developing the self-driving vehicle or taking a shot at curing death. We’re already seeing cellular devices that work exclusively from Wi-Fi, calling services that function on it, so now, the logical step will be to add components that can improve this networking capability. “One of the great things about New York is that when people see things happening in New York, they tend to focus on it and often emulate it”, he says.

Via: []


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